Kmart Australia is known for it's cheap and no-fuss clothing, far from the runways and fashion magazine pages. You might pick up a singlet top or some leggings to kick around the backyard, stroll to the beach, or drop the kids off at school. Taking on the Zara model, they started replicating seasonal designer fashion, and rolling it out with constant updates across it's 300+ stores Australia wide. All for the same low cost price. To coincide with this brand shift a full overhaul of their print, OOH, display, website and social was required. To create a fresh campaign to launch Kmart's new look in womenswear I collaborated with New York Fashion Week photographer Calvin Wong. We captured the new womenswear being modeled in beautiful real locations, of relatable down to earth moments, big or small, all around Australia where a Kmart store exists. From Broome to Bondi Junction. From Darwin to Dee Why. We proposed to take fashion to all Australians. We called it Couture with a K. Better yet, we called it...